The Luminarts Cultural Foundation awards fellowships to young, Chicago artists across many mediums. In 2015, the Foundation honored me with one of their Creative Wrting Fellowships. Watch the video here and see what I (and all the other wonderful Fellows) have to say about our craft. (I'm at minutes 5 and 17 for those of you who like to skip around).
One of my all-time favorite literary magazines saw fit to publish one of my stories, "There, but not really There." What I LOVE about this magazine is their dedication to their contributors. They promote their authors and even take the time to interview them all. Click the picture here and read their interview with me.
In 2016, Justin Kaufmann invited First Year Students onto his WGN AM720 show, The Download, to discuss storytelling in the city.
Allium published this interview with me. Writer Danielle Uppleger asks some of the most detailed questions I've had the pleasure to answer. Here, I talk about writing, volunteering, living in two worlds. Click the photo for more. Be sure to browser all of HT's interviews with the likes of CM Burroughs, Patricia Ann McNair, and more